Halarit Composites GmbH


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Privacy Policy

1. Confidentiality and data processing

Protecting your privacy when processing your personal data is a top priority for us. We process personal data that is collected during your visit to our website in accordance with statutory provisions.

2. What is meant by personal data?

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, data is personal if it relates to an identified natural person or if it can be attributed to a natural person and thus enables that person to be identified. Therefore this is information that can reveal the identity of a person (name, telephone number or email address).

3. Identity of the controller (and contact details of the controller’s representative)

HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH is committed to protecting the personal data of users of this website and respects their privacy. If data is processed as a result of the use of this website, the data controller is HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH – Helmut-Nick-Str 6, D 21035 HAMBURG.

4. Purpose and legal basis of processing, duration of storage and recipients of the data


Purpose Legal basis Duration of storage Recipients of the data Processed data
Responding to and fulfilling the information requests submitted in the contact form. Legitimate interest of HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH to provide the necessary support. Duration of the processing of your request plus a period of 2 years for data of interest to the authorities, with restricted access. Adequate service for responding to the request. All data required in the forms (surname, first name, email address, telephone number and all data provided in the contact form).
Sending you information about our products, services and events as well as statutory developments relating to our business. Based on your consent. As long as your consent is not withdrawn. You o unsubscribe at any time by contacting us at the following address: contactGDPR@gazechim.com. Communication department and sales department of the company. Email address with the surname and first name of the person concerned.
responding to requests for quotations noted in the form and processing these requests. Based on the implementation of pre-contractual measures. Duration of the contractual relationship plus a period of 2 years for data of interest to the authorities, with restricted access. Sales department of the company concerned. All data requested in the forms (surname, first name, email address, telephone number and all data provided in the contact form).


5. Recipients and sharing of personal data

In addition to the recipients cited and within the framework of the purposes cited above, the personal data collected may be shared:

  • With subsidiaries of the Gazechim Group that require it;
  • With the communications department of the Gazechim Group;
  • With external service providers of HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH such as providers of web hosting, IT services, data analysis;
  • With third parties in conjunction with any change of the company structure.

6. Security of personal data

HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH makes every effort to ensure the security of the personal data that is transmitted to us.

7. Use of this website by children

It is not anticipated that minors under the age of 18 will use the website, therefore HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH will not collect any personal data from minors.

8. Forwarding

a. Cross-border forwarding of personal data

The personal data of users of this website will not be used outside the European Union.

b. Processing of sensitive data

HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH does not collect sensitive data relating to geographic or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious beliefs or trade union membership of individuals, or which allow conclusions to be drawn about the health or sex life of these individuals.

9. Your rights

The information collected on this website is intended exclusively for HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH. Under no circumstances will it be forwarded to third parties. In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, users of this website have the right to access, correct, object, restrict and delete their data within the limits of the law. Users also have the right to issue instructions on what will happen to their data after their death. To exercise these rights, you can send us an email at the following address: contactGDPR@gazechim.com; or contact us by post at HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH – Helmut-Nick-Str 6, D 21035 HAMBURG.

10. Cookies

“Cookies” may be placed on the devices of users of this website. A cookie does not allow HALARIT COMPOSITES GMBH to determine the identity of the user. You can refuse the storage of cookies by configuring your browser accordingly.